Love yourself

Have you love yourself today? Have you thanked yourself enough because you survived through your bad days, still stand straight and strong when you think you can't make it? I believe to live our life to the fullest required us to love ourselves first. I used to hate myself too, I used to find a flaws in me and hate myself because of the flaws. I compared myself to others, and no matter what I'm doing, I never satisfied about it. I still think I would never be as good as others. I keep telling myself why can't I be as good as other? Why can't i get whatever i want? These questions always popped up in my mind. But as the day passes, I have learned that, comparing myself to others will only lead myself to stress and the feeling of never good enough. It is killing you slowly. As i grow older, i learn to accept myself for whoever i am, i am born like this and i should not sigh and complain a lot. In fact, i should be grateful more because i have a peaceful home, healthy, completed family, friends and enough foods. That is enough for us to be grateful. Appreciate what you have right now, love yourself more, be positive, expand your point of view. Stay away from whatever makes you stress. Don't think too much of what people think of you and say about you. As long as you are doing the right thing and harm no people, then you are good to go. Just be good to yourself and other. Together we get through this. :) Sending love to whoever destined to read this. Hope this help you a bit to feel better <3

Dunno II

so hallo my name is fazita or my friends call me jita or don't call me at all. Tadi aku badmood tapi sekarang kadar degupan jantung yang mempengaruhi mood aku kembali tenang sedikit dari aras yang tidak sepatutnya. Sebab apa? sebab kawan aku berjaya mengembalikan mood aku yang kurang stabil. Walaupun nda berjumpa tapi through phone call pun she manage to make me smile ear to ear. Am i blessed? YES :D

Entry kali ni memang boring sumpah boring walaupun entry aku yang lain pun semua boring. Jadi sebelum kamu meluat baca, saya selaku penulis ingin memberitahu agar cepat cepat meninggalkan blog saya sebelum kamu menguap hahaha! Jangan kata akak tak pesan ๐Ÿ˜Š

This is my worst birthday ever. Sebab? bukan sebab tiada orang wish or apa apa jak lah. Tapi sebab malam ni aku entah kenapa dengan aku sebenarnya. Aku ok jak dengan semua orang cuma ada seorang dua yang terkena tempiasnya. One of them is my sister. Penyabar nya la bah dia ni layan perangai sindrom aku. Tadi dia pergi tanya aku 

"kau nda belajar kah bulan 10 sudah ni nda lama lagi kan exam"

lepas tu aku pergi jawab dia dengan nada yang sedikit kurengg khasiat

"Ee suka hati la bah kalau aku gagal pun bukan nama kau yang buruk. Tekanan betul oh "
kakak aku punya lah baik tolong kasi ingat aku, aku pergi jawab dia mcm tu. And then dia pun jawab balik dgn tenang aku pun diam membisu. Dia tenang sebab dia tau aku badmood kalau aku saja saja jawab dia dgn nada kurang khasiat tu memang dia cakap 'BAGITAU IBU NANTI' aku pun jawab balik lah 'BAGITAUU LA BAHHH' biasa lah adik mana mahu kalah kan. Ya saya sayang kakak. Dia paling banyak terkena tempias perangai bullshit i. Aku selalu rasmi barang dia yang baru muahaha xD. Contohnya she bought new clothes, i will be the one who try it first atau dia beli benda yang cute cute suddenly it is belong to me. 

sebenarnya aku bosan bah nda tau mau post apa jadi aku mau cakap,


comel kan!
See you when i see you xoxo

dunno I

Hallo peeps. Hari ni kan hari jumaat TGIF jadi aku happy lah sebab esok cuti sekolah yayy sbb tu lah aku blogging after five days of struggling buat latihan saja ngehehe. Sebab excited kan sekarang ni pun aku masih pakai baju sekolah terus duduk depan laptop sambil makan aiskrim, penat aku naik bas lepas tu jalan kaki dari depan pagar. Kau nampak kan betapa excited nya aku balik dari sekolah terus blogging.  Memang aku rancang mau post an update hari jumaat ni sebab kerinduan bah mau post itu ini walaupun there's nothing i want to cerita.

ok, tomorrow is my birthday yiyy✨๐Ÿ™† 15/10  tapi dalam fikiran aku tiada apa pun yang best pasal birthday tahun ni sebab faktor umur kali hahaha berasa tua sangat kan padahal masih teenager. 

LOL bukan main excited lagi konon mau blogging tadi tapi ini seja yang aku dapat fikir mau type hahaha nvm lah see you when i see you (kena panggil suda ibu suruh makan byee) xoxo


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WAIT I WANNA LAUGH. Embarassing. So someone i knew told me that she found my blog and read all my posts and I was like...wait yess i do have a blog but the posts....eww cringe!! HAHA But its alright  itu kenangan lah orang cakap kan. 5 years later I can come back and read my writing here and think "oh so this is how i express something back then" it must be fun and memorable. 

So it can be said that im an active blogger back in my thirteen to fourteen. I started my blogging journey since 2012, I was inspired by Anna Khayalan! It was a few years ago and might say I include in golongan blogging expertise eww self claimed HAHAHA pardon. I admit that all my blogs is pretty though it look simple but cute๐Ÿ’• I got another three blogs with different theme and they are all cute lol. Usaha sendiri mestilah mau puji because it took a lot of time and thought to edit the html code, you got one wrong, then everything ruined ๐Ÿ˜Œ. I barely get any sleep  semata-mata mau edit HTML blog yang tersalah letak tersalah kopipes tersalah edit. Serious dulu kalau sehari nda on blog mesti nyawa sik aman.๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข After i got back from school pun, i will just sit depan laptop and blog, well said i'm barely study huhu. (Pardon my bahasa rojak Sabah, Sarawak and English hahah!)

Masa last year fifteen there was my bakat blogging seems to fade. I was busy?? Maybe. Wait did blogging known as bakat? whatever. && I don't know what im up to but lol i just don't know, i just binge watching korean drama and fangirling over 2pm, bigbang, infinite, 2ne1, beast, super junior, exo!! OMG! 

ok makasih tante tante cantik sudi baca ya (knowing no one would read this but still in case...ahaha)  kalau nda paham buat buat paham saja ya. Minta ampun atas kekurangannya ya xoxo~ ๐Ÿ˜Š✌