Have you love yourself today? Have you thanked yourself enough because you survived through your bad days, still stand straight and strong when you think you can't make it? I believe to live our life to the fullest required us to love ourselves first. I used to hate myself too, I used to find a flaws in me and hate myself because of the flaws. I compared myself to others, and no matter what I'm doing, I never satisfied about it. I still think I would never be as good as others. I keep telling myself why can't I be as good as other? Why can't i get whatever i want? These questions always popped up in my mind. But as the day passes, I have learned that, comparing myself to others will only lead myself to stress and the feeling of never good enough. It is killing you slowly. As i grow older, i learn to accept myself for whoever i am, i am born like this and i should not sigh and complain a lot. In fact, i should be grateful more because i have a peaceful home, healthy, completed family, friends and enough foods. That is enough for us to be grateful. Appreciate what you have right now, love yourself more, be positive, expand your point of view. Stay away from whatever makes you stress. Don't think too much of what people think of you and say about you. As long as you are doing the right thing and harm no people, then you are good to go. Just be good to yourself and other. Together we get through this. :) Sending love to whoever destined to read this. Hope this help you a bit to feel better <3