New Passion Unlocked

Hello guys my name is fazita, can call me zita or don't call me at all 😷. Its been so long huh since my last post? I mean not that long lah but consider it was. Post kali ni i want to tell you guys i've found a new passion! Besides guitar i also fall for planting flowers. Why planting? It is because i always saw my mum early in the morning di depan halaman rumah watering her flowers, did a preparation of soil, bought a lot of different kind of flowers, since i followed her everywhere masa beli bunga at this one flower shop, sumpah cantik gila all the flowers there, it brighten up my mood seeing those colourful and fresh flowers. Then i bought like three different succulents and cacti for beginning. After a month i see them growing up i feel so happy to tears haha over betul ❤❤ Will update more later bye xoxo <3